Jon Corzine cannot be trusted because he is entirely irresponsible with money.
New Jersey needs a real Democratic alternative to the former Wall Street CEO and that is why I am challenging Corzine for governor in the June 2 Democratic primary election.I believe most Democrats agree with me that Corzine should not be re-elected and when political insiders were polled on the question "Who wins the Democratic nomination" at the website POLITICKERNJ.COM, the results were 62-38 in my favor.
Now, I realize that this 'poll' is not scientific, but the fact that the governor's political apparatus could not win a round of 'inside baseball' suggests that my candidacy is not as crazy as his cronies would suggest.
I am also aware that I will not succeed in this effort without broad public support.
I will need particularly strong support throughout New Jersey among Democratic activists, people who do take responsibility for the direction in which our party takes this state. Democratic activists and rank-and-file Democratic voters have the real power to do this.
I need you to get this done.
Not only that, but I need you right now. I need you to join my campaign and be a part of what we are building to take back our party.- Enter your email address at our Google site. and
- Include me as a friend on Facebook then
- Follow our progress on Twitter.
We are planning to launch a campaign in the next few weeks to solicit 10,000 contributions of $34 each; which would qualify the campaign for public financing.
Obviously money is key at this stage, so any contribution you can afford would be very welcome. If you can afford the maximum of $3,400 or $340 or even $34 -- anything you can send to Balut for Governor will be appreciated.
Checks may be mailed to to Balut for Governor, c/o 2100 Oliver Street, Rahway NJ 07065 -- and every time someone tells you that I cannot win because Corzine is a multimillionaire, reply by telling them that I must win because Corzine does not share the same values with hard-working, middle-class New Jersey families that I represent.
- One out of every four acute care medical facilities have closed, but Corzine wants to close more hospitals.
- The Wizard of Wall Street gambled away $25 billion from our state employee pension funds.
- Corzine has not only ignored corruption that pervades every aspect of government, but he is in bed with the bosses.
- There are now more people unemployed because Corzine put our taxes to work exporting jobs to communist China.
- While these problems build, Corzine's priority is protecting his secret emails and the Nixon-esque principle of 'executive privilege.'
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